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When asked for a forecast of the weather conditions, I am like the TV weatherman - clueless, as Cape Town's weather patterns are temperamental and constantly changing.


This said there are a couple of "truisms" about Cape Town...


Firstly... The old saying:"Red sky at night, sailor's delight, Red sky at morning, sailors take warning. " is a real indication of what the Cape Town weather holds. A beautiful sunset, probably means a great next day.


Secondly.. For Clifton - If there is a SE (south Easterly) wind blowing, then we can expect flat, clear and cold conditions.


Thirdly.. If the NW (North Wester) is blowing, we can expect warm water, that is dirty, bumpy and possibly some rain. (possibly/ definitely)


Fourthly...If there is a Southerly wind blowing we can expect everything, including the kitchen sink, to wash up on the beach and some rather windy conditions. Hang onto your brollies.


Fifthly...If the is a cloud that looks like a halo around Lion's Head - it's gonna rain. We don't mind rain. We swim in the rain.


On the left is the 7 day forecast


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